by Stephen Boulden Stephen Boulden

Cell Jet Ransohoff Table Washer

Cell Jet Ransohoff Table Washer

In stock – Cell Jet


  • Wash, Rinse, Blow-off Process in Single Cabinet

processing your parts in up to 24” diameter x 18” tall work envelope, with a maximum part weight of 40 lbs

  • Siemens S7-1200 PLC
  • Stainless Steel Construction

Footprint:  5’6” wide x 5’6” long x 8’6” high

The Cell-Jet, a member of Ransohoff’s LeanJet® line of cellular parts washers, is an excellent cabinet washer for point of use, batch cleaning where very little floor space is available. This spray washer was designed as a low cost, down and dirty, industrial quality wash station utilizing medium pressure spray impingement and compressed air to clean and dry your parts.